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In the larger market of counterfeit goods, the luxury fashion industry is hit hard, making it one of the most affected sectors. Many consumers unknowingly pay the actual prices for fake bags, resulting in them receiving subpar products. This issue is worsened by the prevalence of online sales, where counterfeit goods are frequently sold as genuine items. Additionally, the problem extends to physical retail stores, where the mingling of authentic and counterfeit bags can further confuse consumers. This significant challenge results in substantial annual revenue losses, with luxury brands estimated to lose billions of dollars.
Provenance Tags, a revolutionary solution rooted in the Concordium Blockchain, are poised to transform the authentication of luxury handbags.
Benefits for manufacturers:
Ready to discuss your project with us?
Niels Soerensen, the Founder of Provenance Tags, is a seasoned IT management and development professional with an extensive career spanning over 25 years.

Best Use Cases in
Transforming product authentication with our innovative blockchain technology